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(肚子瞬間變大許多 !) 


BY THE 23 WEEKS, time flies so fast. I am going to write about what’s happening this week. Regarding to many research, I know that my baby already looks like a newborn baby.  My baby is around one pound now, and I already gained 20 pounds  (I am going to eat less flour products.). I am keeping imagine my little boy since is almost halfway through my due date.  I know my baby is still very little, but he is able to functioning his human long. I am so proud of my little boy; he also has positive chance to survival in the early newborn stage if he born in this stage (but I still want him to stay with me until 40 weeks, and I will keep pray to my dear God gives my baby a safe journey in my belly.) 

I am super surprised that my little boy starts kicking up my stomach very often, especially in the quiet environment. My Little boy often kicks me while I sit down on a chair, or while I lie on my bed.  I started to feel my baby is getting more active and stronger. I know during this week, my baby can recognized the voice, so Jaime and I try to talk with him more often. Jaime likes to say  to my son “ba, ba, ba , I am your baba”, and Jaime thinks his child will call BABA first . (This is not going happen, my mama’s boy will call MAMA first …hahaha….) However, it is true baby can hear male voice easier.

Now I am trying to learn how to walk slower and more carefully because I feel I am unbalanced sometimes, so I better not to walk so fast as before. I will try my best to avoid falling and hurting my little mama’s boy and myself. 

last thing and only thing to complaind, BACK PAIN IS SUPER UNCOMFORTABLE , and I have to do Yoga more often to reduce my back pain problems. I need to use ice pack to relaxing my back before sleep, and it is because I cannot use any hot water to hit my belly, so ice pack is my only save option. My feet and anklet feel go numb everyday, which the doctor said it is due to my poor blood circulation. So I have to put my feet into a hot water bucket to heat my feet.  IT IS VERY AMMNOYING TO HAVE SWELLING FEET, AND I CANNOT FIT SOME OF MY SHOES ANYNORE.

 Next week, I am going to make an appointment for a “GLUCOSE SCREENING TEST”, and this is a check for diabetes, because diabetes is often happening during the pregnancy period. It is totally NOT fun, so I have to cut all the sugar in my daily life until I pass my glucose text. It is very hard for me not to eat any sweet stuff, and especially cakes are my favorite. However, I will SAY BYE TO CAKES FOR A WEEK.

When I feel my baby kicking my belly, I feel my life is amazing. It is so sweet to have a life growing inside of me, and this is the most beautiful chapter in my life.

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時間過得真快,我已經懷孕二十三週。我覺得二十三週是很特別的一週(其實我每週都這樣說),我今天要來紀錄我這週近況。上週忙我得期中考快要不能呼吸,這週終於有一些時間可以帶著電腦來咖啡廳記錄我的懷孕日記。我每週都會關心懷孕的週期變化,這一週我的寶寶的肺部已經開始運作. 如果他這時候出身也很高的存活率。不過我還是希望我寶寶可以在我的肚子平安的呆滿月再出身。


這週寶寶已經可以開始聽到聲音,所以老公經常在我和我兒子說 爸爸爸爸爸爸爸之類的,他想試圖影響我兒子以後先喊爸爸。 不過我也不是省油的燈,我也經常說媽媽媽媽媽,你叫記住媽媽的美妙聲音(我知道很幼稚,不過這卻成為我生活中的種種樂趣。)也我體會到平凡中的幸福原來是這般甜蜜 。


下週即將邁入二十四周,所以我開始要做血糖測試 (妊娠糖尿病)。醫生說如果我第一次測試如果沒有過,第二次要忍受測試三個鐘頭。所以這一星期不可以吃甜點。有三種水果也不可以吃,香蕉 ,西瓜,葡萄。然後所以麵粉類食品也得少吃,吃白飯時候,最多一碗不可以超過兩碗。為了健康,我會努力少吃一些。家族成員有糖尿病,一定要檢查。我的公公有糖尿病,所以我得必須克製糖份量。


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